Echoes, Ocean Waves

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

So, Who's Tanner? (Short Intro.)

So, I probably don't have more than one or two people I don't know in real life reading my little blog.

But, just in case....
I thought I'd make a short little introductory to Tanner Hayden, brief so it doesn't become too much of a ramble (it will become a ramble I promise) but enough so that you feel like you kinda know me better by the end of it. :) It's going to be a hodgepodge of useless facts, but here goes nothing.. XD

I'm nineteen years old. That technically makes me an adult, but still a teen. And yet, I rarely feel like either. XD I am a born-again Christian, have been homeschooled up until college, live in the midwestern United States, and am pretty weird overall. I have two siblings, a brother and a sister... and they're both 9 years older than me, so I've been living as the last child(?) left at home for about ten years. I have a lot of quiet and alone time, which is both nice but kinda lonely sometimes. I'm trying to (slowly) write a book to be published sometime in the next five years, and am learning guitar right now too. Even slower. XP

I love music, writing, gaming, reading, family and friends, cute critters (even if they don't usually love me XD) and Mountain Dew. I have a collection of Mountain Dew cans. Told you things were gonna start getting random and weird pretty fast.

I like listening to a ton of different kinds of music, from metal to classical to rock to some kinds of pop and world and.... well, I try not to genre and sub-genre everything. I have a little Youtube playlist of some songs I love, if anyone is curious. :)

Some of my favorite game series are Metroid, Jak and Daxter, Sonic the Hedgehog, Rayman, and Star Fox. (Not so much into stuff like Call of Duty or Halo, just not my thing. ;) )
Some favorite books include The Bible (duh XD), The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit (especially the Hobbit), the Space Trilogy, and Accidental Detectives. I'm reading That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis right now and am loving it. <3

I have three Youtube channels. My private one, my formerly main channel where I did gameplay videos and stuff... one of the videos I did on there got over a thousand views somehow. Don't look it up though, it's terrible. XD And my third is a shared one with the older brother of my friend Elisabeth Sullivan, where we do really awful Bionicle ad-lib comedy videos and stopmotions.

I struggle with intense anxiety sometimes, especially in the last three months since having my first major panic attack. I'm improving slowly through, with God's strength and my loving family. :) I ran into a brick wall when I was 5 and needed stitches and still have a faint scar on my forehead. That's it for my medical/health history. XP

Maybe I'll revise/add onto this sometime. I mainly started this blog to post some story tidbits, bits of poems and songs and the occasional journal-ish update. Anyone is open to read them... though they might confuse you a little out of context. XP I hope you enjoy wading in my little Glass Ocean of Thought. :)

Godbless ~ <3

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