Echoes, Ocean Waves

Monday, July 31, 2017

The Prologue of A Dream.

So, in 2013 I had an idea for something. It has literally gone through so many changes it is almost nothing like the original idea. And probably for the better, considering the original would probably get thrust into the disastrous Young Adult teen novel sections. How you grow, what you read and watch (and in my case, what games you play) can really influence what kind of stories you want to make and how the characters go, especially in age. In this case, really glad that happened. This blog was partially created to convey bits and pieces, maybe even chapters of what I'm trying to create. My lack of ability to draw can really hinder the creative process... but Lord willing I can still do what I wish to do for a career... someday.

I reckon I'll start off by describing some core concepts, some character prototypes, and where this story of mine takes place. One thing that has stayed consistent with my original idea is that this is a science fantasy universe, combining elements of science fiction with dark fantasy. I also always wanted this to be... an Adventure. Elements of other kinds of story genre's are here, drama, thriller, mystery, some rambunctious comedic elements. Maybe down the line a little romantic drivel, but not near the beginning at all. But in the end, tis an Adventure, inspired by ye Hobbits of old.

That said I'll be making this a bit of a series, with this post as the prologue since I am short on time. I shall leave you mainly with a name, which you can obsess over and try to figure out what it will relate to. Or you will forget by the next blog post. Whichever you prefer.

Thank you for possibly joining me on the journey I call, Vessel.

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